Float encaustic diptych on panels 36x60x2 inches
Waxing, Now Waning Pandemic, Truro Center for the Arts, Truro, MA. Juror: Kaveh Mojtabai, Founder and Publisher of Artscope.
Slickface encaustic on panel 12x12x1 in
Prism 6 acrylic on panel 6x8x1in
Rhombus encaustic on panel 36x48x2"
Prism 3, encaustic on panel, 6x8x1in. *
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encaustic on panel 18x24x1 in
www.space gallery.org
Blue Shift, encaustic on panel, 24x24x1.75in
Prism 4. encaustic on panel 6x8x1in
Prism 1. encaustic on panel, 6x8x1in *
Aerial encaustic diptych on panel 36x60x2 in.*
Soft Landing encaustic diptych on panels 36x60x2 inches
Waxing, Now Waning Pandemic, Truro Center for the Arts, Truro, MA. Juror: Kaveh Mojtabai, Founder and Publisher of Artscope.
Afterglow encaustic diptych on panel 36x60x2in.
Prism 2, encaustic on panel, 6x8x1in. *
Red Salt
encaustic on panel 36x36x2"